We treat a wide variety of Sports Injuries and everyday injuries involving the foot and ankle Martial arts and kick boxing- A variety of injuries can occur as a result of martial arts and kick boxing. These include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, sesamoiditis, and ankle sprains. Stretching is recommended for a minimum of 15 minutes before performing any kicking or punching. Aerobics- Proper shoes are crucial to successful, injury-free aerobics. Shoes should provide sufficient cushioning and shock absorption to compensate for pressure on the foot many times greater than found in walking. They must also have good medial-lateral stability. Impact forces from aerobics can reach up to six times the force of gravity, which is transmitted to each of the 26 bones in the foot.

Seek immediate medical attention if you:
Have severe pain when pressure is applied or throbbing without pressure applied
Experience noticeable swelling (compare to uninjured foot)
Have any open wounds or a wound that is oozing pus which is sign of infection
Have other signs of infection such as redness, warmth and tenderness in the affected area or you have a fever over 100 F (37.8 C)
Are unable to walk or apply weight on your foot
If you have diabetes or any wound that isn't healing.
If the wound is deep, red, swollen or warm to the touch
Schedule an office visit if you:
Have persistent swelling that doesn't improve at all after two to five days of home treatment (rest, ice, elevation, etc)
Have persistent pain that shows no signs of improvement after several weeks
Have burning pain, numbness or tingling, particularly involving most or all of the bottom of your foot