Warts affect over 3 million people per year and is considered a very common condition. Warts are actually an infection in the top layer of skin, caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus, or HPV, family. When the virus invades this outer layer of skin, usually through a small scratch, it causes rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of skin which created the wart.

Are warts dangerous?
Generally speaking, warts are not dangerous, but they can be uncomfortable and cause problems with walking or running. The process for removing warts is relatively painless and can be done in the office.
Warts are potentially contagious! Warts do not always resolve themselves on their own. For diabetic patients, warts can be dangerous if it becomes an open wound.
In this video, a Neville Podiatrist performs a removal of three warts and cauterizes the open
area with a special chemical which stops bleeding and prevents the wart from returning.